Ciencia de los Animales y Forrajes
Resultados: Listando 10 de 656 en la página 9 de 66
Blood level of total carotenoids as a biomarker of intestinal functionality in broilers...
Genetic parameters of egg production and egg quality in national free-range chic...
Nests management of the giant Amazon River turtle - Podocnemis expansa
Carcass characteristics and meat quality evaluation and body composition prediction...
Effects of selection for post-weaning weights on carcass traits, meat cut yelds and...
Protein and energy requirements and biological value of selected feedstuffs for the...
Performance and intestinal microbiota of broiler chickens supplemented with hops...
Development of a bioeconomic selection indexes for beef lamb in different terminal...
Integrated strategies for farming and processing of tilapia: a case study
Carbon uptake, forage net accumulation and grazing efficiency responses to herbage...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 656 en la página 9 de 66