Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 1451 on page 11 of 146
Microbial diversity in soils under Araucaria angustifolia forests
Soil fauna and others edaphics attributes as environmental quality indicators in...
Nonequilibrium sorption and transport of pesticides
Crop rotation, crop succession and lime rates on the soil chemical and physical characteristics...
Chemical interaction mechanisms of metals, inorganics anions, organic acids and protein...
Agricultural land-use expansion dynamics in Brazil
History and geography of brazilian soil erosion research
0rganic matter decomposition of different wastes and effects on some chemical and...
A study was carried out to investigate the ammonia volatilization losses from soils...
Interaction between soil microbiome and nematode activity in soybean crop
Results: Displaying 10 of 1451 on page 11 of 146