Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 114 of 145
Fine scale mapping of phosphorus stocks in brazilian soils by geotechnologies: implications...
Proximal and remote sensing to soil mineralogy assessment
Contribuição ao estudo da nutrição mineral e adubação do sorgo sacarino (Sorghum...
Nutrição mineral comparada do sorgo granífero [Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench] e do...
Effect of gypsum and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and macronutrients utilization...
Phosphorus status and acid phosphatase activity on signal and colonião grasses
Physiological basis of nitrogen and potassium accumulation in sugarcane (Saccharum...
Water balance in sugar cane crop under three spacings
Carbon sequestration and mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization in Technosols...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 114 of 145