Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 1449 on page 8 of 145
Soil and plant dynamics of boron sources of different solubilities in Eucalyptus...
Machine learning for prediction of soil carbon stock changes in sugarcane crop due...
Reflectance spectroscopy vis-NIR and mid-IR applied for soil studies
Laboratory remote sensing on soil chemical alteration by lime application
Architecture of the fibrovascular net of sugarcane (Sacchanum spp.) stem
Soil microbiome manipulation and its effect on the soil-plant interface
Phosphorus dynamics in the rhizosphere of sugarcane under phosphate sources and filter...
Strategies for digital soil mapping by artificial neural networks based on soil-...
Nitrogen and sulphur fertilizations: fractions in soil, water use and Marandu palissadegrass...
Physical evaluation of different soil management practices in a latossolo roxo
Results: Displaying 10 of 1449 on page 8 of 145