Suelos y Nutrición de Plantas
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1448 en la página 122 de 145
Aggregates stability and soil carbon storage in areas under sugarcane cultivation...
Metabolic and morphological changes in grass and legume tropical forages related...
Ecotoxicological evaluation of swine manure usage in soils from Santa Catarina State...
Biochemical characterization of the growth depression of inoculated citric rootstocks...
Effect of organic materials and inorganic salts on ammonia volatilization from urea...
Absorption of macro and micronutrients during the life cycle of two cultivars of...
Phosphorus transport in surface runoff as a function of P source type and rainfall...
Effects of climate and soil on the development of Eucalyptus sp clones in the South...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1448 en la página 122 de 145