Sol et Nutrition de Plantes
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1446 à l'page 3 de 145
Lime requirements methods in soils of Piracicaba
Herbage yield and nutritional aspects of two braquiarias grown in solution with combination...
Geochemistry of iron and trace elements found in soils of Wetlands impacted by the...
Organographical and biochemical characterization of 10 sugarcane (<i>Saccharum</i>...
Comportamento do sulfato em alguns solos do Estado de São Paulo
Improvement of tillering on sugar cane varieties (Saccharum spp) through the use...
Mineralogia da fração argila de solos do município de Jaboticabal
Organic acid and heavy metals solubilization in soils treated with sewage sludge
Foliar application of nitrogen and molybdenum in sugarcane
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1446 à l'page 3 de 145