Food Science and Technology
Results: Displaying 10 of 426 on page 32 of 43
High-oxygen modified atmosphere package improves color stability of Longissimus lumborum...
Nutrient and energy intakes of students: contrasts between different brazilian m...
Effects of dietary fat source on beef quality
Development and characterization of beef burger added with micronized salt and long-chain...
Microbiological quality of milk and ice cream of a small industry of the district...
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food services: changes and trends
Residues from agroindustry as fiber source for use in the preparation of whole grain...
Optimization of lipid extraction, with hexane- ethanol- water in a matrix composed...
Molecular characterization of bacterial isolates and microbiome: study of mastitic...
Microbiological caracterization of human milk of bank of milk and study of the effect...
Results: Displaying 10 of 426 on page 32 of 43