Irrigation and Drainage
Results: Displaying 10 of 361 on page 35 of 37
Drip fertirrigation in surface and subsurface irrigation in melon crop (Cucumis melo...
Water relations and fruit load of young citrus plants in reduced wetted area of the...
Potentiality of environmental impact for nitrate, N rates and water table fluctuation...
Photointerpretation of watersheds ano drainage networks in five soils from the Ribeira...
Evapotranspiration obtained using the bowen ratio system and a weighing lysimeter...
Computer program as an aid to design and management of conventional sprinkler ir...
Soil water deficiency influence in the vegetative and productive parameters of eggplant...
Hydraulic characteristics of drlp tape
Local head loss on initial trickle irrigation connectors
Results: Displaying 10 of 361 on page 35 of 37