Forest Resources
Results: Displaying 10 of 684 on page 54 of 69
Use of near infrared spectroscopy for recognition of tropical tree species
Rural Development,Biodiversity and Public Policy.Challengs and contradictions, in...
Characterization of recycled wood residues for energy use
Study of eucalyptus forest residues and sugar cane bagasse torrefied biomass for...
Effect of foliar fertilizer and soil conditioner on rooting, growth and hardening...
The management of the light ambient in multipurpose agroforestry systems
Spontaneous regeneration of Pinus spp. from experimental stands and factors involved...
Relationships between landscape structure and vegetation diversity in secondary forests...
Economic viability of agroforestry systems in terra firme and varzea ecosystems...
How do municipal environmental education policies address the continuing education...
Results: Displaying 10 of 684 on page 54 of 69