Agricultural System Engineering
Results: Displaying 10 of 342 on page 8 of 35
High-resolution data for mapping the spatio-temporal variability of sugarcane fi...
Measurement system based on LiDAR technology for estimation of the production parameters...
Measurement of rainfall intensity and estimation of water application uniformity...
Determination of the maximum water need aiming to install irrigation systems in tropical...
Evapo(transpi)ration measument and modeling of irrigated sugarcane depending on trash...
Açaí seedling production under different water depletion levels associated with doses...
Agrometeorological and spectral analysis of soybean crops conducted with Precision...
Technological package for the diagnosis of the thermal comfort of livestock anim...
Behavior and sexual performance of breeding pigs raised in enriched environments
Hydrological regionalization for the Goiás state and the Federal District
Results: Displaying 10 of 342 on page 8 of 35