Controllership and Accounting: Accounting
Results: Displaying 10 of 703 on page 51 of 71
A sectorial study about the relations of the variable of the business environment,...
Comparability of financial statements, accuracy and informativeness in Brazil
The influence of discourse in the change process in management accounting: a case...
Critical analysis of the institutional transformations of federal agencies promoting...
Development of a logical model to support the measurement practice inherent in costing...
From basel to the countryside: estimating the default dependence structure in rural...
A study on the desinstitutionalization process of inflation-adjusted accounting practices...
Study on the decisions identified in the contract management of soccer players: the...
Manager´s discritionary power and comparability of financial reports: an analysis...
Federal government public spending control system: emphasis on Family Subsidiary...
Results: Displaying 10 of 703 on page 51 of 71