Contrôle de Gestion et Comptabilité: Comptabilité
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 703 à l'page 21 de 71
Corporate governance and accuracy of forecast by Brazilian market analysts: analysis...
The role of accounting auditor in the audit of systems quality assurance
Avaliação e gerenciamento de investimento na indústria de carnes: uma abordagem das...
Evidence of social applications in cooperative work societies
Moderating guidance of social value between activation of identity and effectiveness...
Efficiency of intergovernmental transfers for basic education to Brazilian munic...
Comparison between the concepts of postulates, principles and rules triad in the...
Management of interorganizational costs in cooperative organizations and investor-owned...
More than complete, triumph: analysis of resilience in trajectory of accounting ...
Proposal of a undergraduate program in Accounting for the region of Florianópoli...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 703 à l'page 21 de 71