Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1560 à l'page 147 de 156
Construing meaning through executive leadership experience: a typology based on systemic...
Searching Brazilian's organizational competences in competitive and international...
"I Want Coffee!": guidelines for the dissemination of specialty coffee consumption...
How technology transfer offices of public research institutions can contribute for...
The international image of Brazil in the process of selecting a country for educational...
Brand positioning and repositioning: a strategic and operational view of chalenges...
An empirical study on the labor turnover rate and human resources practices in supermarket...
Analysis of the integration between enterprise risk management and organizational...
Toward an extended perspective of the dual role or purchasing in global new product...
A framework for sales planning and management in the agricultural input industry
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 1560 à l'page 147 de 156