Clinical Medical
Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 1 of 46
Presentation forms of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia on high-resolution computed...
Manometric assessment of primary and secondary esophageal peristalsis in patients...
Molecular analysis of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene in patients with phenyl...
Development and validation of a computer application to the prescription and fractionation...
Analyzing the factors associated with the process of medical regulation of surgeries...
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolated from patients co-infected or not with HIV:...
Evaluation of the efficacy of ceftriaxone in mice experimentally infected with Klebsiella...
Nutritional-metabolic-dietary profile of patients with mental disorders under pharmacological...
Influence of cerebral blood flow on volumetric loss related to Alzheimer's Disea...
Vibro-acoustography characterization of the acoustic response of mice femora in an...
Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 1 of 46