Facial Structure Morphophysiology
Results: Displaying 10 of 85 on page 8 of 9
The importance of atopy, asthma, aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease and eosinofilia...
MicroRNA expression profile of nasal polyposis
Three-dimensional facial morphology and masticatory function after dentofacial deformities...
Facial Morphology and bite force analysis in dentofacial deformities
Evaluation of the influence the severity of OSA in craniofacial changes in the positioning...
The relation between force of the tongue and the position of the hyoid with OSAS
Videofluoroscopic assessment of capsule swallowing in asymptomatic adults and older...
Taste and olfactory sensitivities and quality of life in total laryngectomy pati...
Facial mimicry performance and quality of life in the acute phase of peripheral facial...
Verbal and temporal auditory skills in children 6 to 10 years with and without episodes...
Results: Displaying 10 of 85 on page 8 of 9