Morfofisiología de Estructuras Faciales
Resultados: Listando 10 de 85 en la página 7 de 9
Characterization of histones H3K27 acetylation profile in parathyroid adenomas
In situ study of infection and replication of respiratory RNA in patients with chronic...
Codetection of bacteria in patients with chronic adenotonsilitis
Effectiveness of a singing program for elderly women
Evaluation of histocompatibility of poly lactic-glycolic acid graft in rabbit la...
Swallowing complaints in individuals with type 1 and type 2 Diabetes Melittus
Vocal evaluation and of the quality of life in patients with laryngeal dystonia being...
Effectiveness of a phonoaudiological therapeutic program for presbyphonia
Effectiveness and importance of clinical evaluation of swallowing
Nutritional status and difficulty of deglutition in stroke patients after three months...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 85 en la página 7 de 9