Management of Healthcare Organizations
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 3 of 15
Analysis of the model of medical remuneration for production in medical labor cooperatives...
Sanitation and standardization of the registration of medical and hospital materials...
Exploration of text mining in health documents in different languages for medical...
Assessment and analysis of the level of maturity according to quality improvement...
Assistance organization in emergency care for patients with suspected dengue: new...
Comparison of costs of hospital purchasing a centralized purchasing system versus...
Health Care Lawsuits: a characterization of data from the Health Care Secretary of...
Internal rate of varying prices of consumable and medicines in a high complexity...
Evaluation of electronic service system to the patient as a management tool in the...
The effect of reinsurance on the regulatory capital of health insurance companies...
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 3 of 15