Management of Healthcare Organizations
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 8 of 15
Implementation of a palliative care service in the Emergency Hospital Service of...
Descriptive study of the standard of reimbursement to SUS and the denial of procedure...
Systematic review of abiraterone and enzalutamide in the treatment of patients with...
The hole of autopsies in the current medical education
The construction of a set of indicators as a monitoring tool in healthcare organizations:...
Social impact assessment in the health area: case study modeling from the theory...
The influence of quality management on outsourced hospitality services in a university...
Material management at HCFMRP-USP: case study
Analysis of the process of maintenance and useful life of echocardiographic medical...
Description and appraisal of frequent users (hyper users) of public immediacy/emergency...
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 8 of 15