Construction Mécanique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 487 à l'page 10 de 49
Performance determination of a spark-ignition combustion-engine, fueled with etanol...
Study of tensions by the slip lines method
Experimental analysis of aerodynamics characteristics of adaptative multi-wingle...
Planejamento da produção na manufatura celular : um procedimento heurístico de programação...
Multidirectional frequency response functions matrices assessment in complex str...
Development and performance analysis of a mechanical coffee shaker
Medical modeling: an integration among CAD, CAE, reverse engineering and rapid p...
Multiple lateral wingtip blowing: an experimental study
The influence of wing tip devices on the performance of an agricultural aircraft
Micromachinability study of Ti (CP) and Ti-6Al-4V alloy by means of single point...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 487 à l'page 10 de 49