Hydraulics and Sanitation
Results: Displaying 10 of 1204 on page 89 of 121
Influence of flocculated particles size on the efficiency of water supply clarifying...
Evaluation of performance of multiphase pump in the air microbubble generation for...
The treatment of organic waste as a fulfillment of the National Policy on Solid Waste:...
Potencial use of organic sludge by flotation of two food industries liquid effluents...
Influence of etanol and nitrate on the degradation of diclofenac and ibuprofen in...
The comparison of the effluents generated in a pulp bleachíng plant for differents...
Performance of maturation ponds using aquatic plants and baffles
Production of hydrogen and organic acids from sugarcane bagasse and pentose liquor...
Performance evaluation of an anaerobic-aerobic reactor with recycle of the liquid...
Study of floods under alternative scenarios for the land use and occupation in the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1204 on page 89 of 121