Hydraulics and Sanitation
Results: Displaying 10 of 1204 on page 95 of 121
Water supply and sanitary sewer at Água Branca do Cajari: analyzes and alternatives...
Ecohydrological dynamics of urban rivers in the context of disaster risk managem...
Compact drinking water disinfection system using ozone for household-scale application:...
Bioretention for diffuse pollution control in SUDS using experimental-adaptive approaches...
Prechlorination associated to adsorption with powdered activated carbon and dissolved...
Stream - aquifer interaction: A study case in the Onça Creek Watershed
Avaliation of activity of pulp mills effluents by short-term assays using Salmonella...
Monitoring and modeling of the interception process in a Cerrado stricto sensu a...
Device to measure rainfall interception by the forest litter on forest ecosystem...
Selection of lipid-bearing microalgae of the genus Desmodesmus and Scenedesmus: culture...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1204 on page 95 of 121