Hidráulica y Saneamiento Ambiental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1177 en la página 93 de 118
Ecohydrological dynamics of urban rivers in the context of disaster risk managem...
Compact drinking water disinfection system using ozone for household-scale application:...
Bioretention for diffuse pollution control in SUDS using experimental-adaptive approaches...
Prechlorination associated to adsorption with powdered activated carbon and dissolved...
Stream - aquifer interaction: A study case in the Onça Creek Watershed
Avaliation of activity of pulp mills effluents by short-term assays using Salmonella...
Monitoring and modeling of the interception process in a Cerrado stricto sensu a...
Device to measure rainfall interception by the forest litter on forest ecosystem...
Selection of lipid-bearing microalgae of the genus Desmodesmus and Scenedesmus: culture...
Hazard and resilience indexes for urban flood risk management
Resultados: Listando 10 de 1177 en la página 93 de 118