Oceanografía Biológica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 112 en la página 4 de 12
Comparison of the responses of growth and Photosynthesis of three clones of Phaeodactylum...
Distribution and abundane of Pleuronectiformes larvae in the region between São Tomé...
Meiofauna and nematodes from Martel inlet (Antarctica) and their use in environmental...
Primary production of Santos Bay, Sao Paulo state: aspects of the photosynthetic...
Primary prodution of Santos Bay, Sao Paulo state: aspects of photosynthetic efficiency...
Reproduction, diet, age and growth of Dasyatis guttata (Bloch & Scnider, 1801) (Elasmobranchi;...
Distribution and abundance of larval Phosichthyidae and oceanographic conditions...
Spatial and seasonal changes in the macrobenthic faunal distribution and species...
Assessment of the effect of the phototoxicity of anthracene on the mortality and...
Age, growing and aspects reproductives of Macrodon ancylodon (Bloch & Schneider,...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 112 en la página 4 de 12