Océanographie Biologique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 166 à l'page 8 de 17
The use of biomarkers to assess genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by silver...
Wake of Death: Using historical and contemporaneous data to evaluate the Isopisthus...
Biotic integrity from the ecosystems of the Alcatrazes archipelago surroundings,...
Spectral characterization of ocean color images during phytoplankton blooms at Lagoa...
Optimization of low cost culture system of Nannochloropsis gaditna Lubián, 1982 for...
Bottlenecks and trends in the commercial production of marine ornamental fish: searching...
Effects of environmental changes on sandy beach biodiversity: what we can learn with...
Taxonomic review of codlings of genus Urophycis Gill, 1863 in the South Atlantic...
Carbon flux in the microbial epipelagic food chain in a meso-oligotrophic coastal...
Study on the Ocean Literacy level of Brazilian teenagers and adults with the IOLS...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 166 à l'page 8 de 17