Civil Law
Results: Displaying 10 of 425 on page 27 of 43
The just cause in the inalienability, incommunicability and negative pledge provisions...
Amendement constitutionnel nº. 66/2010 et la responsabilité civile dans les relations...
Enrichment throught Intervention
Alternative causation and the liability of the multiple tortfeasors
Mariage et affectivité dans le droit brésilien: une analyse historique et compar...
Privacy in the information society: the challenge of its legal protect and regul...
The subsidiatiry of the unjust enrichment in the Civil Code of 2002: rereading and...
Effusum et deiectum: the treatment in the civil code and the orgin in the Roman ...
Consumer relationship and the cloud computing contract
Environmental governance of solid waste: a critical look from the perspective of...
Results: Displaying 10 of 425 on page 27 of 43