Derecho Civil
Resultados: Listando 10 de 418 en la página 36 de 42
Alternative and facultative obligations in Roman law: concept and application
Water pollution by emerging contaminants: contributions for an autonomous tutelage...
Regulation of urban land occupation to end social housing
The misuse of personal data and the right to personal identity
Civil liability of groups: liability for damages of anonymous authorship and liability...
Law and affectivity: study on the influences of affective aspects in the legal r...
Copyright in the musical workmanship: desequilibrium of the contract and the new...
Publicity, presumption and public faith:an analisys of Brazilian real estate registry...
Estatuto della riproduzione assistita
Rischio dello sviluppo ed i consumatori
Resultados: Listando 10 de 418 en la página 36 de 42