Resultados: Listando 10 de 201 en la página 7 de 21
The influence of different resin dental adhesive systems applied to human dentine...
Surface loss and microhardness of sound vs. initial decayed bovine enamel when etched...
Bond strength to eroded dentin in function of the application of an antiproteolytic...
Importance of three techniques of cavity preparation and three adhesive systems on...
Study of clinical, behavioral and salivary parameters in patients with non-carious...
Effects of low intensity laser therapy and growth factors PDGF and BMP-2 on the odontogenic...
pH-influence on the functional activity of endogenous enzymes (metaloproteinases...
Evaluation of the erosive potential of an orange juice modified by the addition of...
In vitro evaluation of the effect of dental bleaching prior to cementation of indirect...
Different polishing procedures influence in roughness, color and gloss of bleached...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 201 en la página 7 de 21