Processes and Communication Disorders
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 10 of 31
The cochlear implant program of Brazil and the social service
Effects of a phonological remediation program in schools with developmental dyslexia:...
Intensive speech therapy program in patients with cleft lip and palate
Assessment of a distance learning course on Auditory Rehabilitation: emphasis on...
Auditory training as an intervention strategy in subjects with tinnitus
The hearing health of gyms attendees: sound pressure measuring and audiologic ev...
Griffiths mental development scale for children aged 0 to 2 years - adaptation for...
Electroacoustic verification of frequency modulation systems in cochlear implant...
Digital evaluation of the effect of noise on speech: signal/noise ratio
Intervention in aphasia using the augmentative and alternative communication
Results: Displaying 10 of 305 on page 10 of 31