Chemical Engineering
Results: Displaying 10 of 661 on page 3 of 67
Study of the reaction of adducts formation generated by epoxy resins and polyalkylene...
Effect of the addition of resistant starch and enzymes on the rheological properties...
Industrial process crystallization improvement by process hierarchical analysis and...
Assessment of bacterial degradation of cyanide using isolated strains from mining...
Strategies with guarantee of stability for the integration of model predictive control...
Study of biosorption and desorption processes of Cu2 and Zn2+ metalic ions in synthetic...
Study of surfactants degradation of homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-fenton systems...
Contributions to the study of non-ideality of protein solutions
Thermodynamic modeling of aqueous two phase systems containing salts and polymer...
Development and characterization of non-viral vectors based in proteins and liposomes...
Results: Displaying 10 of 661 on page 3 of 67