Biodynamics of Human Movement
Results: Displaying 10 of 318 on page 16 of 32
Effect of swimming training on the arterial vasomotor function in spontaneously hypertensive...
Biomechanical characteristics of the jump and change direction in women's basketball...
Physical fitness, technical actions and physiological responses during judo matc...
Effects of resistance training on cardiovascular autonomic regulation and function...
Progressive high-intensity resistance training on blood pressure and its hemodynamic...
Analysis of the performance and the method of training in brazilian masters swim...
Body composition changes during pregnancy and its association with birth weight
Referentials for the detection, selection and promotion of rhythmic gymnastics sports...
Effect of different intensities of strength training on maximum strength and muscle...
Strength training and vascular occlusion: neuromuscular and molecular adaptation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 318 on page 16 of 32