Biodynamics of Human Movement
Results: Displaying 10 of 318 on page 24 of 32
Interlateral asymmetries in interjoint coordination on cyclic circular manual mo...
Effects of the verbal information in the coupling between the visual information...
Biomechanical approach to ballet movements: the effects of footwear and musical beats...
The constant-random practice and the motor skill diversification
Structure and musculoskeletal function, functional capacity and quality of life of...
Biomechanical gait indicators of elderly women in response to strength training
Acute effect of aerobic exercise on physiological responses to hyperinsulinemia...
Constant workload exercises in different intensity domains: cardiorespiratory, metabolic...
The specificity of ergometric protocol for determination of the metabolic thresh...
Physiological stress in triatletes
Results: Displaying 10 of 318 on page 24 of 32