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Biology (Genetics)

Results: Displaying 10 of 420 on page 39 of 42
Expression analysis of KRT6A, KRT19, MSLN and KLK8 genes by quantitative real time...
Investigation of de novo variants and copy number variantions in autism spectrum...
Genetic research of two new neurodegenerative dieases; Spoan Syndrome (Spastic Paraglegia...
Molecular variabilite in Y cromosome in quilombo remnants in Vale do Ribeira
Morphological and hemodynamic study of the aorta and analysis of remodeling of microfibrils...
Molecular analysis of the TCOF1 gene in Treacher Collins syndrome patients
Functional analysis of XIST and DNMT1 genes in the maintenance of X chromosome inactivation...
Human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 oncogenes and inflammatory mediators regulate...
The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region:...
Effects of biallelic loss of function variants in TBCK, in the context of vesicle...
Results: Displaying 10 of 420 on page 39 of 42
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