Ecology: Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems
Results: Displaying 10 of 355 on page 10 of 36
Diversity and natural regeneration of trees in Restinga Forests in Ilha do Cardoso,...
Effects of meteorological factors and habitat on foraging behavior by tyrant flycatchers...
The roles of diet, speciation and extinction on the diversification of birds, and...
Systematic planning of protected areas in Tocantins State
Trade-off between provisioning, supporting and regulation ecosystem services in Araucaria...
Use of benthic invertebrate in water quality assessment of Atibaia river basin (São...
Methodology of identification and quantification of burnt areas in savanna (Brazil)...
Do initial amounts of adaptive intraspecific variation matter for the persistence...
Breeding biology, nest-side selection and reproductive sucess in cerrado grassland...
Phylogenetic structure and demography of trees in a coastal Brazilian white sand...
Results: Displaying 10 of 355 on page 10 of 36