Morphofunctional Sciences
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 7 of 17
Role of the lateral hypothalamus and anterior thalamus in memory in social defea...
Impact of aldehydes on Dicer activity and expression: potential benefits of ALDH2...
Influence of spontaneous maternal exercise and neonatal anoxia in the development,...
Study of the cortical circuitry underlying contextual fear processing to predatory...
Role of ALDH2*2 mutation in heart failure: therapeutic potencial of Alda-1
Contribution of beta-arrestin signaling mediated by angiotensin II receptor type...
The ubiquitin proteasome system in thyroid hormone-induced cardiac hypertrophy m...
Structure and ultrastructure of the medial pterygoid muscle myotendinous junction...
Multi-unitary electrophysiological analysis of the dorsal periaqueductal gray and...
Histological and imunohistochemical evaluations of the TMJ in adult wistar rats after...
Results: Displaying 10 of 163 on page 7 of 17