Human Physiology
Results: Displaying 10 of 374 on page 33 of 38
Analysis of biogenesis and mitochondrial dysfunction in the progression of Alzheimer's...
Aging and skeletal muscle: muscle strength, proteasome activity and signaling related...
Skeletal muscle and insulin action: intracellular pathway in type 1 and type 2 muscle...
Effects of prolonged fasting on cardiac muscle metabolism and cardiac function in...
Effect of the pretreatment with fish oil on myocardial infarction in rats
Redox modulation, function and survival of pancreatic β-cells: evidence on the...
Glucose metabolism in adipose tissue: effects of physical training and detraining...
Evaluation of sexual dimorphism in the central regulation of energy metabolism in...
Effect of iron supplementation and restriction on the regulation of myoglobin (Mb)...
Analysis of the inhibitory effect of eugenol on voltage-gated Na+ channels of sensory...
Results: Displaying 10 of 374 on page 33 of 38