Results: Displaying 10 of 2136 on page 16 of 214
The need to practice: analysis of the Index Cost of Living DIEESE as a process of...
Seeing after observing the construction of the teacher`s ability to comprehend childrens...
Children education in hospitals: the experience of the city of Curitiba in an Association...
The Advising Knowledge of the Superviosing Teachers: Chalenges to the tutoring actions...
Teaching-learning situations: physics didactic sequence analysis from Brousseaus...
The work of the teacher educator: the case of a teacher educator at a public university...
Discursive mediation in science classes: reason and senses in teacher professional...
Research-action and investigatives activities in the learning of the teaching in...
Toys and gender in childhood education: an ethnographic study in Rio de Janeiro State...
Results: Displaying 10 of 2136 on page 16 of 214