Public Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 5 of 13
Relationships between basic health care and specialized services for assisting women...
Profile of hemophilia in the state of São Paulo - Brazil
Psychosocial consequences of labelling in healthy people with mild hypertension:...
Barriers and facilitating factors for interprofessional collaboration in the Family...
Participation in a colorectal cancer screening project in the city of São Paulo
Why cancer patients go to justice? A study on lawsuits filed against health plans...
Migration and Health: health profile of Haitian migrants in Brazil 20102018
The school food environment in the city of São Paulo and its associations with ultra-processed...
Association between school climate and internalizing symptoms among adolescents in...
The analysis of official documents as a technical-political instrument of the struggles...
Results: Displaying 10 of 129 on page 5 of 13