Gynécologie et Obstétrique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 25 de 36
Protective effect of the influenza vaccine to reduce mortality in pregnant and postpartum...
Evaluation of the adiponectin performance in predicting insulin need in pregnant...
Nutrition of pregnant women with sickle cell anemia, maternal complications and perinatal...
Nutritional status in high risk pregnancies: complications of delivery and postpartum,...
Sexual behavior of women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Spirometric evaluation of pregnant women exposed to air pollution in the metropolitan...
Assessment of placental volume and indices by threedimensional ultrasonography, and...
Measurements of placental volume and vascular indices by three-dimensional ultrasound...
Rubella in pregnancy: effects on the fetus and developing child
Hormone therapy and sexuality in postmenopausal women
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 355 à l'page 25 de 36