Experimental Physiopatology
Results: Displaying 10 of 654 on page 58 of 66
Study of the mechanisms induced by aerobic training over time in pulmonary inflammation...
Clinical control, quality of life, physical activity and psychosocial status based...
Evaluation of the reactivity of antigens of amastigotes forms of Leishmania (Leishmania)...
The impact of disturbed blood flow on function, activation and apoptosis of endothelial...
Pharmaceutical care program for patients with asthma and COPD: study collection of...
Psychoactive substances use by profesional drivers in São Paulo State
Evaluation of the hip muscles mechanical behavior in transfemoral amputees
The role of the autonomic nervous system and the baroreflex in the time course of...
Anthropometric profile and correlation between different measures of body composition...
Atherogenic effect of air pollution: association to anti-oxLDL and anti peptide D-...
Results: Displaying 10 of 654 on page 58 of 66