Movement, Posture and Human Actions
Results: Displaying 10 of 108 on page 7 of 11
Therapeutic Itineraries of individuals with problems in consequence of the use of...
Aesthetic experience in occupational therapy in mental health: gestures in sensitive...
Effect of physical training on psychosocial factors, autonomic modulation and pulmonary...
Evaluation of somesthetic and manual dexterity in children with Duchenne muscular...
Correlation between the angle of lumbar lordosis and Gynoid Lypodystrophy (cellulite)...
Effects of proportional assist ventilation on exercise capacity in idiopathic pulmonary...
Clinical evaluation of quality of life and activity electromyographic in individual...
Clinical and kinematics evaluation of compensatory postural adjustment
The sustainability of quotidian life: a study of social networks of users of a mental...
Effects of aerobic physical training with moderate intensity on chronic airway inflammation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 108 on page 7 of 11