Ciencias en Gastroenterología
Resultados: Listando 10 de 328 en la página 14 de 33
Prevalence of primary resistance to antivirals used in the treatment of hepatitis...
The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in the medical team of the Cancer Institute of...
Postoperative resting metabolic rate is a predictor of surgical successful after...
Is there a higher frequency of dysplasia and anal infection by the human papillomavirus...
Nutritional and metabolic status of clinically cured patients submitted to gastrectomy...
Evaluation of classifications for anorectal fistulas as indicative of the performed...
Anatomopathological and gene expression changes in excluded stomach from patients...
Assessment of quality-of-life and factors associated with satisfaction of patients...
Hemodynamic and metabolic effects after abdominal evisceration for experimental modified...
Survival analysis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated at Instituto...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 328 en la página 14 de 33