Restorative Dentistry
Results: Displaying 10 of 218 on page 19 of 22
Histologic evaluation of root canal cleaning promoted by different irrigation methods...
Evaluation of the use of the laser of Er: YAG on the removal of the layer of ' smear...
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of temporary restorative materials: agar...
Efficacy of root canal sealers following in situ acid challenge
Relation between occupational stress, TMD signs and symptoms and electromyographic...
Applications of Farc Protocol of TMD treatment with occlusal splint and electromuographic...
Physicochemical properties of preheated microhybrid, nanohybrid and bulk fill composite...
Effect of a chitosan/genipin solution on root canal sealer bond strength and penetration...
Influence of mandibular torus on electromyographic activity of the mastication m...
Influence of temporary luting material on the bond strength of fiberglass posts/resin-based...
Results: Displaying 10 of 218 on page 19 of 22