Physique Appliquée à la Medecine et Biologie
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 393 à l'page 23 de 40
Quantification of radiodermatitis through image processin
Intra and extra-cellular glucose quantification by micro-nano-structured biosens...
Analysis of measurement procedures of EGFET devices using FTO films
Otimization of the block matching algorithm aplied to elastogtraphic studies
X-ray detectors based on the radiolytic synthesis of metal nanoparticles
Control of the Population Diversity in Genetic Algorithms for the Determination of...
Using the Fricke benzoic xylenol gel dosimeter on computed tomography
Characterization of Semiconductors Dosimeters and their Applications in Specialized...
Assessment of cerebral perfusion and functional connectivity in schizophrenia using...
Multitherapeutic nanoplatform based on Scintillating Anthracene, Silver@Antracene,...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 393 à l'page 23 de 40