Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 19 of 45
Scripting of sexuality by nurses providing care to patients with breast cancer
Experiences of oncologist Physicians : a study of the religiosity in the existential...
Maturity for career choice with adolescents attending a career guidance service
Effects of tutoring in phonics approach in elementary school students with serious...
Psychology, Marketing and Elementary Experience: implications for the consumer c...
Antisocial behavior in male adolescents: an exploratory study in Ribeirão Preto ...
The interpretation (to reveal and to hide senses): joints between the Pêcheux's discourse...
The relationships between physical activity, body image perception and nutritional...
LEAL, E. N. The child with Down Syndrome: expectations of the mother´s about the...
Self-efficacy perceived in career development and career interests with high school...
Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 19 of 45