Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 4 of 45
Aids and cancer: a differential study of homecare and death beliefs among HIV/aids...
The family of faith in modern times: an interpretation of family constitution, gender...
The experience of sexuality of men with acqyired medular lesion
The Berufsbilder-Test BBT-Br among teenagers: Psychometric evidences
Flame, your name is woman: ethnopsychological analysis of the feminine in the light...
The Pfister Color Pyramid Test: Normative Study with Adolescents aged 12 to 14 y...
The discourse about infraction act embodied embodied in the Statute of the Child...
Labor accidents in the sugar plant agribusiness: circumstances of their occurrences...
Trajectory of child abuse: a study on Development Psychopathology perspective
Physical maltreatment of children: contributions to the evaluation of psychosocial...
Results: Displaying 10 of 445 on page 4 of 45