Resultados: Listando 10 de 445 en la página 11 de 45
The use of a child feeding questionnaire for the study of parental attitudes, beliefs...
Women in the climateric: level of informations, anxiety, depression, quality of life...
Trabalho e saúde: precarização do trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing
Juvenile delinquency: the notion of developmental trajectories and the description...
Creation of epistolary file of neurophysiologist Miguel Rolando Covian: a historical-contextual...
Contribution to the history of early childhood education in Ribeirão Preto: the experiences...
Beautiful: a Merleau-Ponty study about transvestites corporality
Police inquiries and sexual crime suits: gender strategies and representations of...
Marriage and sexuality in lawsuites and police inquiries at ribeirão preto judicial...
Perception of parents and teachers regarding childrearing practices and of children...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 445 en la página 11 de 45