Comparative Biology
Results: Displaying 10 of 211 on page 18 of 22
From the modern synthesis to the extended synthesis: the role of phenotypic plas...
Taxonomic revision of subgenus Awaous (Chonophorus) (Lichtenstein, 1822) and phylogenetic...
Comparative analysis of genetic purity of the forage legumes Stylosanthes capitata...
Taxonomic, cladistic and biogeographical analysis of Spelaeochernes Mahnert, 2001...
Distribution of Brazilian cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions: is there influence of l...
Evaluation of physiological and biochemical aspects of the interference of high light...
Diversity and evolution of the Titanosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of the Bauru...
Osteology and systematics of Uberabatitan ribeiroi (dinosauria; sauropoda): a late...
Taxonomic revision of the genus Isocheles Stimpson, 1858 and Loxopagurus Forest,...
Results: Displaying 10 of 211 on page 18 of 22