Résultats: Montrant 10 de 281 à l'page 8 de 29
Heterologous expression and characterization of two toxins from Tityus serrulatus...
Isolation, structural and biochemical characterization of a new phospholipase A2...
Gabapentin kinetic disposition and renal excretion: role of transporters for organic...
Hybrid analysis of volatile organic compounds in oral fluid and urine as a possible...
Functional characterization and study of the mechanisms of response to the cellular...
Evaluation of Antiophidian Activity from Anacardium humile Plant Extract: Isolation...
Isolation and structural and functional characterization of neurotoxins present on...
Study of the antiophidic action of the leaves extract and the juice of soursop (Annona...
Effect of EPP-AF® on cytochrome P450 and P-glycoprotein activity in healthy subjects...
Development of an analytical method for simultaneous determination of multiclass...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 281 à l'page 8 de 29