Public Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 338 on page 9 of 34
The approach to the issue of work in the field of Collective Health and in the Brazilian...
Syphilis in pregnancy: data quality and epidemiological profile in São Paulo Sta...
Pregnant women in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre: demographic and socioeconomic characteristics,...
Between swipes and senses: a digital ethnography on the chemsex phenomenon
Health's judicialization: analysis of the law-suits of the drug lenalidomide filed...
Spatial and temporal analysis of the relationship between human leptospirosis and...
Formative methodologies: contribution to the collaborative development of the costume...
Suicide mortality in the city of São Paulo: characterization, trends, and age-period-...
The role of the Internet in the mental health of young university students and its...
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Brazilian version of...
Results: Displaying 10 of 338 on page 9 of 34