Social Anthropology
Results: Displaying 10 of 497 on page 42 of 50
Warriors of the Avenue: music and competition at the samba school
Gallery & senzala: the (im)pertinence of black presence in the arts in Brazil
The folia do Divino: experience and devotion in São Luís do Paraitinga and Lagoi...
Travel Map of an Ethnographic Collection
Between deficiency and culture: an ethnographic analysis of missionary activities...
From the Tekoa Pyau to the new village: agency in the making of local space
Ethnographic data concerning the Guarani Mbyá from the Tekoá Ytu and Tekoá Pyaú indigenous...
Technologies and their meanings: a study of Asuriní do Xingu pottery and Kayapo-Xikrin...
Social Enterprises/Cultural Business: an ethnography of the relations between economics...
From Chicago to São Paulo: Donald Pierson in social science's map
Results: Displaying 10 of 497 on page 42 of 50